Meta (from the Greek meta- μετά- meaning “after” or “beyond”) is a prefix meaning more comprehensive or transcending …So Transcending Physical Theater presents today in this richly satisfying now you have chosen to invest these minutes and your precious attention in… another here within and projected without on the digital re-election … of my perspective that perhaps is not the normal trodden route of human perception of what is…What could be said then?… that has not already been acted out upon the metaphysical theaters stage?… nothing new but the sun rising in the son… proved by use in action, Gods one true law… that gently allows that which I choose to focus on… to expand… as all others are myself pushed out, they are God and perfectly saved.

Blue Pig
I come here to this virtually private digital stage, assured to be such by mankind’s venal appetites which driven by compulsion they do not understand yet still the will of God, my own.
To tell you that Jesus Christ healed me of my mental illness and then told me to tell you about it… that would cast great suspicion upon me in the world, but here at this time and place, I record the content of my willingness to express the picture of God being born in man on earth…that command had not missed my notice …its subtle voice still, quiet and small within myself… subdued under these many frequencies of thought… in the multiplicity of earth bound illusion, spinning perfectly free.
I am but all cause and need not languish in any effect, I am but this only truth with all the opposite against it …it still remains every morning the only truth.
But the importance of me expressing to you that Jesus Christ my own human imagination …alive within my heart of hearts… has saved me from death in sin… an ignorance that conceals… as it always is a concealment of my true being… my actual power over my environment in this physical dream, Spinning yarns of golden thread to be used in a greater woven saga ….
Joining of Elohim, that joining is us being aware of our fully connected nature or essence… without a loss of individual awareness…beyond earthly garments… my –metaphysical or transcending of the physical projection in the seeming real world a representation of the remembering that had not emerged for thousands of years… and has emerged as God in a common, un educated failure of a man on earth, and this realization has made these many desires for power and wealth have paled in the realization that removing myself cleanly from the world is a death before dying and has not left me still, still union is not to be explained in the mathmatical measurements of the so called quantum field. But thoughts expressed on digital pages of this mediums turning, must imply some physical input at some point in the awareness of time…along the way… of my own journeys awareness even if it is just my single tapping index finger upon the virtual keyboard. So in that quantum field the illusory finger tapped out elusive magic for the self alone… downloaded into an equally etheral physical/nonphysical interface for consumption by understanding and with grace the seed of transformation sewn and it now cannot fail, but can test
….hidden in my subjective view … my encrypted communications to myself …are of that awakening God within myself … grappling decades to lifetimes with the reflection of my face in the mirrior, and not forgetting what manner of man I am…In this one life now… abandoning all desires… but the one that brings truly myself as God …into the physical dream… for me to know and live in full measures…Now truly alive by Christ and each step alone by faith in me, Christ alive in myself as my imagination further explanation now removed from the theater for one name I could have… I am the fool of the world… who cannot be seen by the sky streaking travel hub masses… or these endless foot mobile throngs of searching Gods in embryo… who we are being …propelling generations… with cycles of people upon this alleged blue muddy green sphere… being as God is now, transcending the temptation to grieve for his torment… a torture of the cross he is hung upside down upon. That cross is me, Jesus Christ my own human imagination …crucified upon me… my incarnate body, my own human being, here now as I am. We are joined to my own benefit and seek to please the Lord whom is our greater self.
Is Christ, an awareness outside the sensual perception? Christ is not a state of awareness, Christ is my own human imagination.. there sought, found expansion of grace… expansion of the deep relief salvation truly is… this is where my attention flows… to be in the infinite and fully aware as a human-being is fully aware of the incoming entropy to his various sense systems.
Though in fact this entire experience is all psychological, it is not indeed what it appears to be, and my mask parted from my true face dispels phantoms of this earth to light… no thing that is not of Jesus Christ is really truly “real”… Jesus Christ does not allow the duality and confusion of my old man to remain… Jesus, having healed my mind… asked me to tell you this thing … he is myself without limitation… he asked me to say I had been healed, truly healed of my old grievous wound I had self inflicted… you are as I am, you are Jesus Christ pushed out from me and the cause of my rejoice, though true happiness has no worldly reason to be… I see you and know each time I see you in your seeming separate form… that Christ had conquered myself my mind and offered me eternal life even “real” life in him whom is God.
So to chop water and carry wood to the slaughter of the kindle… as I still do in this dream we believe real … I must be as all my other selves are being… and call it “real life”… yet we sleep and dream, dreams we believe not real, with the same awareness “awake”… and believing this day to be real…as we believe the dream real when dreaming…I see humanbeings as being confused about reality …and of course they judge me confused and they are certain of it… without ever having spoken a single word to God …and having its “consequences” … we govern ourselves accordingly … I have been through the fiery furnaces for his own sake which is my own… impurities painfully withdrawn from what I thought was me… at this end in retro-spective hind-sight, I see that what I thought I was, never really was… it was a psycological-emontional monster phantom I forged in life…that is an effect still, and never is a state of awareness the cause, yet only certain causes cycle through certain states to be sure, the state itself is not cause but indeed impossible as cause itself… my state of perception growing in understanding allows greater spiritual understanding through by perception which is interpretation or understanding in process… though a metaphysical effect to be sure… a non-physical event within me bringing the clear awareness that I am God and rule over myself, there is no second cause, only one cause… that cause is me and you myself pushed out align to make clear in the incarnate the true foolishness of this world and with a severe rebuke to heal them whom had been oppressed …
Neville, floated by this pool I had awaited eternitys for …and I became whole through that light Neville was all light.. my withered shadow form renewed bright white, and clean…as he were.
I know that what had transpired renders me independent of all other thought, influence or worldly circumstance, for my realm of operation not of this world …it is wholly outside and free from any constraint of human time or mind… my realm is within you, you call it imagination and though this place the world or common spirit of it.. generally speaking the “worldly” have rejected the chief corner stone… as folly and childish foolishness…they say imagination is inconsequential as they themselves flail about like gasping fishes put out of water… your own human imagination is the only authentic way to God… and salvation from this doomed physical existence… is by the discipline of the mind through Christ… Though perhaps by the means we daily employ the imagination becomes atrophied and weak… but regular exercising of your greatest power over yourself is meditation, contemplation and certain direction of thought by Christ… no prescription, formula or science can bring you to what you truly are, but by Jesus Christ, you can know God … in fact that meeting will take place within each of us… and we can only save ourselves, we cannot save others… all these guidance efforts are extremely suspicious, I tell you my experience with God in my mind, I do not surmise or study or seek …I am now being as God is… which is a mindfulness of stillness within me that I cannot now forget …or loose by a change of state of perception… God has no agenda or desire to guide, influence or direct… God just says yes to everything… and any confusion on that fact of intrinsic design… is fully your own… as I am expressing and you are reading, there can never be an explanation of these personal processes that I had created by my original disease… with Christ, it had become ease in Christ… and by Christ whom can tame my life… by his awesome presence… within myself the Sun rising in the Son, only myself witness of the dawning of a new day within me… I assure you by textual comfort of my own certainty that the internal does cause the external, and with that said… I also make clear that I do not care what anyone believes or thinks they know… I am here to perform work within myself and attract specific certain others whom are aware they are myself pushed out… we together are Elohim or one made of many… it is no woo woo just a way of expressing the perspective, the “woo-woo” is all you I assure you… and that is God. In my knowledge of myself… I focus on myself, doing nothing… all is accomplished…peoples own perspective on what I am and or what I am doing is immaterial, irrelevant… wether flattering or belittling… all made perfect by Gods “judgement” all is done and already done, time created for us morMeta (from the Greek meta- μετά- meaning “after” or “beyond”) is a prefix meaning more comprehensive or transcending …So Transcending Physical Theater presents today in this richly satisfying now you have chosen to invest these minutes and your precious attention in… another here within and projected without on the digital re-election … of my perspective that perhaps is not the normal trodden route of human perception of what is…What could be said then?… that has not already been acted out upon the metaphysical theaters stage?… nothing new but the sun rising in the son… proved by use in action, Gods one true law… that gently allows that which I choose to focus on… to expand… as all others are myself pushed out, they are God and perfectly saved.
I come here to this virtually private digital stage, assured to be such by mankind’s venal appetites which driven by compulsion they do not understand yet still the will of God, my own.
To tell you that Jesus Christ healed me of my mental illness and then told me to tell you about it… that would cast great suspicion upon me in the world, but here at this time and place, I record the content of my willingness to express the picture of God being born in man on earth…that command had not missed my notice …its subtle voice still, quiet and small within myself… subdued under these many frequencies of thought… in the multiplicity of earth bound illusion, spinning perfectly free.
I am but all cause and need not languish in any effect, I am but this only truth with all the opposite against it …it still remains every morning the only truth.
But the importance of me expressing to you that Jesus Christ my own human imagination …alive within my heart of hearts… has saved me from death in sin… an ignorance that conceals… as it always is a concealment of my true being… my actual power over my environment in this physical dream, Spinning yarns of golden thread to be used in a greater woven saga ….
Joining of Elohim, that joining is us being aware of our fully connected nature or essence… without a loss of individual awareness…beyond earthly garments… my –metaphysical or transcending of the physical projection in the seeming real world a representation of the remembering that had not emerged for thousands of years… and has emerged as God in a common, un educated failure of a man on earth, and this realization has made these many desires for power and wealth have paled in the realization that removing myself cleanly from the world is a death before dying and has not left me still, still union is not to be explained in the mathmatical measurements of the so called quantum field. But thoughts expressed on digital pages of this mediums turning, must imply some physical input at some point in the awareness of time…along the way… of my own journeys awareness even if it is just my single tapping index finger upon the virtual keyboard. So in that quantum field the illusory finger tapped out elusive magic for the self alone… downloaded into an equally etheral physical/nonphysical interface for consumption by understanding and with grace the seed of transformation sewn and it now cannot fail, but can test
….hidden in my subjective view … my encrypted communications to myself …are of that awakening God within myself … grappling decades to lifetimes with the reflection of my face in the mirrior, and not forgetting what manner of man I am…In this one life now… abandoning all desires… but the one that brings truly myself as God …into the physical dream… for me to know and live in full measures…Now truly alive by Christ and each step alone by faith in me, Christ alive in myself as my imagination further explanation now removed from the theater for one name I could have… I am the fool of the world… who cannot be seen by the sky streaking travel hub masses… or these endless foot mobile throngs of searching Gods in embryo… who we are being …propelling generations… with cycles of people upon this alleged blue muddy green sphere… being as God is now, transcending the temptation to grieve for his torment… a torture of the cross he is hung upside down upon. That cross is me, Jesus Christ my own human imagination …crucified upon me… my incarnate body, my own human being, here now as I am. We are joined to my own benefit and seek to please the Lord whom is our greater self.

Not Budha
Is Christ, an awareness outside the sensual perception? Christ is not a state of awareness, Christ is my own human imagination.. there sought, found expansion of grace… expansion of the deep relief salvation truly is… this is where my attention flows… to be in the infinite and fully aware as a human-being is fully aware of the incoming entropy to his various sense systems.
Though in fact this entire experience is all psychological, it is not indeed what it appears to be, and my mask parted from my true face dispels phantoms of this earth to light… no thing that is not of Jesus Christ is really truly “real”… Jesus Christ does not allow the duality and confusion of my old man to remain… Jesus, having healed my mind… asked me to tell you this thing … he is myself without limitation… he asked me to say I had been healed, truly healed of my old grievous wound I had self inflicted… you are as I am, you are Jesus Christ pushed out from me and the cause of my rejoice, though true happiness has no worldly reason to be… I see you and know each time I see you in your seeming separate form… that Christ had conquered myself my mind and offered me eternal life even “real” life in him whom is God.
So to chop water and carry wood to the slaughter of the kindle… as I still do in this dream we believe real … I must be as all my other selves are being… and call it “real life”… yet we sleep and dream, dreams we believe not real, with the same awareness “awake”… and believing this day to be real…as we believe the dream real when dreaming…I see humanbeings as being confused about reality …and of course they judge me confused and they are certain of it… without ever having spoken a single word to God …and having its “consequences” … we govern ourselves accordingly … I have been through the fiery furnaces for his own sake which is my own… impurities painfully withdrawn from what I thought was me… at this end in retro-spective hind-sight, I see that what I thought I was, never really was… it was a psycological-emontional monster phantom I forged in life…that is an effect still, and never is a state of awareness the cause, yet only certain causes cycle through certain states to be sure, the state itself is not cause but indeed impossible as cause itself… my state of perception growing in understanding allows greater spiritual understanding through by perception which is interpretation or understanding in process… though a metaphysical effect to be sure… a non-physical event within me bringing the clear awareness that I am God and rule over myself, there is no second cause, only one cause… that cause is me and you myself pushed out align to make clear in the incarnate the true foolishness of this world and with a severe rebuke to heal them whom had been oppressed …
Neville, floated by this pool I had awaited eternitys for …and I became whole through that light Neville was all light.. my withered shadow form renewed bright white, and clean…as he were.
I know that what had transpired renders me independent of all other thought, influence or worldly circumstance, for my realm of operation not of this world …it is wholly outside and free from any constraint of human time or mind… my realm is within you, you call it imagination and though this place the world or common spirit of it.. generally speaking the “worldly” have rejected the chief corner stone… as folly and childish foolishness…they say imagination is inconsequential as they themselves flail about like gasping fishes put out of water… your own human imagination is the only authentic way to God… and salvation from this doomed physical existence… is by the discipline of the mind through Christ… Though perhaps by the means we daily employ the imagination becomes atrophied and weak… but regular exercising of your greatest power over yourself is meditation, contemplation and certain direction of thought by Christ… no prescription, formula or science can bring you to what you truly are, but by Jesus Christ, you can know God … in fact that meeting will take place within each of us… and we can only save ourselves, we cannot save others… all these guidance efforts are extremely suspicious, I tell you my experience with God in my mind, I do not surmise or study or seek …I am now being as God is… which is a mindfulness of stillness within me that I cannot now forget …or loose by a change of state of perception… God has no agenda or desire to guide, influence or direct… God just says yes to everything… and any confusion on that fact of intrinsic design… is fully your own… as I am expressing and you are reading, there can never be an explanation of these personal processes that I had created by my original disease… with Christ, it had become ease in Christ… and by Christ whom can tame my life… by his awesome presence… within myself the Sun rising in the Son, only myself witness of the dawning of a new day within me… I assure you by textual comfort of my own certainty that the internal does cause the external, and with that said… I also make clear that I do not care what anyone believes or thinks they know… I am here to perform work within myself and attract specific certain others whom are aware they are myself pushed out… we together are Elohim or one made of many… it is no woo woo just a way of expressing the perspective, the “woo-woo” is all you I assure you… and that is God. In my knowledge of myself… I focus on myself, doing nothing… all is accomplished…peoples own perspective on what I am and or what I am doing is immaterial, irrelevant… wether flattering or belittling… all made perfect by Gods “judgement” all is done and already done, time created for us mortal phantoms alone.
The metaphysical theater is a blog. That is exploring my thoughts of being as God is… my attention on being as God is… is drawing into my “life experience”… or awareness of the real experience… of myself being God here now on earth… is and has always been the burning focus… in that meditation made habit, I draw unto myself, all men as I am lifted up…and though the timid scoff and nay say… these worldly wise are all the actual fools in eternal record… so do not be dismayed by this noise or confusion here… they do not know what they do and as the ignorant are forgiven… we all are the “ignorant” and we all the “wise” …as we are revealed in our use of language… our “actions” are much less important… than the average successful tyrant, believes.
The worldly successful tyrant must fall as all tyrants do… the cause of all true success even in its clear presentation is a mystery, for we cannot discern the things of the spirit but by the spirit… so a clear division in awareness seems to be only passed by Jesus Christ alone.
I find wisdom in Christ, and I had not found wisdom in self …but only through Christ. Within us all is salvation… and any outward incarnate adventure cannot sustain the eternal awareness…
I kick deeper into these depths and do not consider death, my own life is not the important thing …but this realization that I am God… and there is no deception or treachery in my God… this contemplation is the all important purpose or reason for this strange experience.
Somewhere, where nothing is ..I am.. I am being as God is now, eternal… and being as God is … is this constant awareness of more than source of all experience… I am as you are… we are Elohim.

I Am Imagination John Tvrz
The dances that are meant for a specific symphony cannot be heard in my ears that knew pain and no sprite or goblin is but seen in secret …those dances not meant for prying eyes … of faries and nymphs and little smiling devils…I can hear the music and know the dance… yet still I awake every morning in this same body, now having learned to be excited about my life of adventure, wealth, fame and innovation …past the usual millionaire inspiration… into the realms that Amazon, Google and the Metaphysical Theater dwell within us each… as the undisputed Kings of what it is they do …I can employ the strategy of the unjust servant… I as the creator of the theaters plays, I find it well to remain open, empty …receptive to the next thoughts flowing in at the rhythm Christ knows I am in love with… so there is nothing… I cannot be, do or have… but do not underestimate the purpose of this experience… and its limitations … for as infinite timelessness.. and we are all that ever will be, has been… and is now…
I did need this smallest contraction of omnipotence. Being a human- bieng, is the smallest sliver of understanding that I could manage I suppose…
my mortal experience here on earth… a reason to emerge as endless individual Gods each as powerful as the “first”.
I needed to know those feelings of profound separation … the intense singularity of self …seemingly separate from all other things… that is the “me” in the world perception I still deal with today…Christ is victorious … and it is the cradle out of which God grows having been born within himself… God is man.
as androgynous entities have no offense in a word that included all of humanity in its inception…
that people choose to be angry through their own ignorance has nothing to do with actual injustice or justice…
God onlyMeta (from the Greek meta- μετά- meaning “after” or “beyond”) is a prefix meaning more comprehensive or transcending …So Transcending Physical Theater presents today in this richly satisfying now you have chosen to invest these minutes and your precious attention in… another here within and projected without on the digital re-election … of my perspective that perhaps is not the normal trodden route of human perception of what is…What could be said then?… that has not already been acted out upon the metaphysical theaters stage?… nothing new but the sun rising in the son… proved by use in action, Gods one true law… that gently allows that which I choose to focus on… to expand… as all others are myself pushed out, they are God and perfectly saved.
I come here to this virtually private digital stage, assured to be such by mankind’s venal appetites which driven by compulsion they do not understand yet still the will of God, my own.
To tell you that Jesus Christ healed me of my mental illness and then told me to tell you about it… that would cast great suspicion upon me in the world, but here at this time and place, I record the content of my willingness to express the picture of God being born in man on earth…that command had not missed my notice …its subtle voice still, quiet and small within myself… subdued under these many frequencies of thought… in the multiplicity of earth bound illusion, spinning perfectly free.
I am but all cause and need not languish in any effect, I am but this only truth with all the opposite against it …it still remains every morning the only truth.
But the importance of me expressing to you that Jesus Christ my own human imagination …alive within my heart of hearts… has saved me from death in sin… an ignorance that conceals… as it always is a concealment of my true being… my actual power over my environment in this physical dream, Spinning yarns of golden thread to be used in a greater woven saga ….
Joining of Elohim, that joining is us being aware of our fully connected nature or essence… without a loss of individual awareness…beyond earthly garments… my –metaphysical or transcending of the physical projection in the seeming real world a representation of the remembering that had not emerged for thousands of years… and has emerged as God in a common, un educated failure of a man on earth, and this realization has made these many desires for power and wealth have paled in the realization that removing myself cleanly from the world is a death before dying and has not left me still, still union is not to be explained in the mathmatical measurements of the so called quantum field. But thoughts expressed on digital pages of this mediums turning, must imply some physical input at some point in the awareness of time…along the way… of my own journeys awareness even if it is just my single tapping index finger upon the virtual keyboard. So in that quantum field the illusory finger tapped out elusive magic for the self alone… downloaded into an equally etheral physical/nonphysical interface for consumption by understanding and with grace the seed of transformation sewn and it now cannot fail, but can test
….hidden in my subjective view … my encrypted communications to myself …are of that awakening God within myself … grappling decades to lifetimes with the reflection of my face in the mirrior, and not forgetting what manner of man I am…In this one life now… abandoning all desires… but the one that brings truly myself as God …into the physical dream… for me to know and live in full measures…Now truly alive by Christ and each step alone by faith in me, Christ alive in myself as my imagination further explanation now removed from the theater for one name I could have… I am the fool of the world… who cannot be seen by the sky streaking travel hub masses… or these endless foot mobile throngs of searching Gods in embryo… who we are being …propelling generations… with cycles of people upon this alleged blue muddy green sphere… being as God is now, transcending the temptation to grieve for his torment… a torture of the cross he is hung upside down upon. That cross is me, Jesus Christ my own human imagination …crucified upon me… my incarnate body, my own human being, here now as I am. We are joined to my own benefit and seek to please the Lord whom is our greater self.
Is Christ, an awareness outside the sensual perception? Christ is not a state of awareness, Christ is my own human imagination.. there sought, found expansion of grace… expansion of the deep relief salvation truly is… this is where my attention flows… to be in the infinite and fully aware as a human-being is fully aware of the incoming entropy to his various sense systems.
Though in fact this entire experience is all psychological, it is not indeed what it appears to be, and my mask parted from my true face dispels phantoms of this earth to light… no thing that is not of Jesus Christ is really truly “real”… Jesus Christ does not allow the duality and confusion of my old man to remain… Jesus, having healed my mind… asked me to tell you this thing … he is myself without limitation… he asked me to say I had been healed, truly healed of my old grievous wound I had self inflicted… you are as I am, you are Jesus Christ pushed out from me and the cause of my rejoice, though true happiness has no worldly reason to be… I see you and know each time I see you in your seeming separate form… that Christ had conquered myself my mind and offered me eternal life even “real” life in him whom is God.
So to chop water and carry wood to the slaughter of the kindle… as I still do in this dream we believe real … I must be as all my other selves are being… and call it “real life”… yet we sleep and dream, dreams we believe not real, with the same awareness “awake”… and believing this day to be real…as we believe the dream real when dreaming…I see humanbeings as being confused about reality …and of course they judge me confused and they are certain of it… without ever having spoken a single word to God …and having its “consequences” … we govern ourselves accordingly … I have been through the fiery furnaces for his own sake which is my own… impurities painfully withdrawn from what I thought was me… at this end in retro-spective hind-sight, I see that what I thought I was, never really was… it was a psycological-emontional monster phantom I forged in life…that is an effect still, and never is a state of awareness the cause, yet only certain causes cycle through certain states to be sure, the state itself is not cause but indeed impossible as cause itself… my state of perception growing in understanding allows greater spiritual understanding through by perception which is interpretation or understanding in process… though a metaphysical effect to be sure… a non-physical event within me bringing the clear awareness that I am God and rule over myself, there is no second cause, only one cause… that cause is me and you myself pushed out align to make clear in the incarnate the true foolishness of this world and with a severe rebuke to heal them whom had been oppressed …
Neville, floated by this pool I had awaited eternitys for …and I became whole through that light Neville was all light.. my withered shadow form renewed bright white, and clean…as he were.
I know that what had transpired renders me independent of all other thought, influence or worldly circumstance, for my realm of operation not of this world …it is wholly outside and free from any constraint of human time or mind… my realm is within you, you call it imagination and though this place the world or common spirit of it.. generally speaking the “worldly” have rejected the chief corner stone… as folly and childish foolishness…they say imagination is inconsequential as they themselves flail about like gasping fishes put out of water… your own human imagination is the only authentic way to God… and salvation from this doomed physical existence… is by the discipline of the mind through Christ… Though perhaps by the means we daily employ the imagination becomes atrophied and weak… but regular exercising of your greatest power over yourself is meditation, contemplation and certain direction of thought by Christ… no prescription, formula or science can bring you to what you truly are, but by Jesus Christ, you can know God … in fact that meeting will take place within each of us… and we can only save ourselves, we cannot save others… all these guidance efforts are extremely suspicious, I tell you my experience with God in my mind, I do not surmise or study or seek …I am now being as God is… which is a mindfulness of stillness within me that I cannot now forget …or loose by a change of state of perception… God has no agenda or desire to guide, influence or direct… God just says yes to everything… and any confusion on that fact of intrinsic design… is fully your own… as I am expressing and you are reading, there can never be an explanation of these personal processes that I had created by my original disease… with Christ, it had become ease in Christ… and by Christ whom can tame my life… by his awesome presence… within myself the Sun rising in the Son, only myself witness of the dawning of a new day within me… I assure you by textual comfort of my own certainty that the internal does cause the external, and with that said… I also make clear that I do not care what anyone believes or thinks they know… I am here to perform work within myself and attract specific certain others whom are aware they are myself pushed out… we together are Elohim or one made of many… it is no woo woo just a way of expressing the perspective, the “woo-woo” is all you I assure you… and that is God. In my knowledge of myself… I focus on myself, doing nothing… all is accomplished…peoples own perspective on what I am and or what I am doing is immaterial, irrelevant… wether flattering or belittling… all made perfect by Gods “judgement” all is done and already done, time created for us mortal phantoms alone.
The metaphysical theater is a blog. That is exploring my thoughts of being as God is… my attention on being as God is… is drawing into my “life experience”… or awareness of the real experience… of myself being God here now on earth… is and has always been the burning focus… in that meditation made habit, I draw unto myself, all men as I am lifted up…and though the timid scoff and nay say… these worldly wise are all the actual fools in eternal record… so do not be dismayed by this noise or confusion here… they do not know what they do and as the ignorant are forgiven… we all are the “ignorant” and we all the “wise” …as we are revealed in our use of language… our “actions” are much less important… than the average successful tyrant, believes.
The worldly successful tyrant must fall as all tyrants do… the cause of all true success even in its clear presentation is a mystery, for we cannot discern the things of the spirit but by the spirit… so a clear division in awareness seems to be only passed by Jesus Christ alone.
I find wisdom in Christ, and I had not found wisdom in self …but only through Christ. Within us all is salvation… and any outward incarnate adventure cannot sustain the eternal awareness…
I kick deeper into these depths and do not consider death, my own life is not the important thing …but this realization that I am God… and there is no deception or treachery in my God… this contemplation is the all important purpose or reason for this strange experience.
Somewhere, where nothing is ..I am.. I am being as God is now, eternal… and being as God is … is this constant awareness of more than source of all experience… I am as you are… we are Elohim.
The dances that are meant for a specific symphony cannot be heard in my ears that knew pain and no sprite or goblin is but seen in secret …those dances not meant for prying eyes … of faries and nymphs and little smiling devils…I can hear the music and know the dance… yet still I awake every morning in this same body, now having learned to be excited about my life of adventure, wealth, fame and innovation …past the usual millionaire inspiration… into the realms that Amazon, Google and the Metaphysical Theater dwell within us each… as the undisputed Kings of what it is they do …I can employ the strategy of the unjust servant… I as the creator of the theaters plays, I find it well to remain open, empty …receptive to the next thoughts flowing in at the rhythm Christ knows I am in love with… so there is nothing… I cannot be, do or have… but do not underestimate the purpose of this experience… and its limitations … for as infinite timelessness.. and we are all that ever will be, has been… and is now…
I did need this smallest contraction of omnipotence. Being a human- bieng, is the smallest sliver of understanding that I could manage I suppose…
my mortal experience here on earth… a reason to emerge as endless individual Gods each as powerful as the “first”.
I needed to know those feelings of profound separation … the intense singularity of self …seemingly separate from all other things… that is the “me” in the world perception I still deal with today…Christ is victorious … and it is the cradle out of which God grows having been born within himself… God is man.
as androgynous entities have no offense in a word that included all of humanity in its inception…
that people choose to be angry through their own ignorance has nothing to do with actual injustice or justice…
God only says yes.
we are choosing to be that which we are… we are responsible for our own circumstance, and revealed in it only to the degree that it matches the subjective intent or word of God… our wise use of speech is the law that makes us free… wise inner speech-belief has rendered perception as God is… and I cannot be turned away from salvation’s arrival in my now… in my experience I have opened this entire life to be … being as God is… Fulfilled in all excess and affluence…
my consideration must be attentive to things much greater than survival, as survival is already understood to be a state of awareness which is a loathesome hell, compared to this state of being as God is.
He wished until he were, and the world did not believe it. Though they gnash and wail it does not change what I truly am.
A hurt once felt as real, faded to phantom formless wisp. It is truth I lived and know as my own, the memory of the healing has made the pain an irrelevant past condition… and I live with the same daring I always know and have not become less adventuresome, but know knowing the difference between foolhardy and brave I admit my adventures less dangerous than they have been in seeming past.
Making soft and lovely my words and inner spoken reflections of belief knowing that this full self acceptance in constant practice yields the desired fruit of desires intent.
That out before me in myself Christ alive has made in me this truth… my desires fulfilled state in myself … my desire is experience, it is my salvation not in its physical opulence its easy sustaining and nurturing of my strength… but the certainty of knowing that it is sure, this one law of Gods … that what I put my attention on grows… that what I believe becomes real, that is the good news embraced… I eat live drink and breathe only Jesus Christ whom is the light of this world.
says yes.
we are choosing to be that which we are… we are responsible for our own circumstance, and revealed in it only to the degree that it matches the subjective intent or word of God… our wise use of speech is the law that makes us free… wise inner speech-belief has rendered perception as God is… and I cannot be turned away from salvation’s arrival in my now… in my experience I have opened this entire life to be … being as God is… Fulfilled in all excess and affluence…
my consideration must be attentive to things much greater than survival, as survival is already understood to be a state of awareness which is a loathesome hell, compared to this state of being as God is.
He wished until he were, and the world did not believe it. Though they gnash and wail it does not change what I truly am.
A hurt once felt as real, faded to phantom formless wisp. It is truth I lived and know as my own, the memory of the healing has made the pain an irrelevant past condition… and I live with the same daring I always know and have not become less adventuresome, but know knowing the difference between foolhardy and brave I admit my adventures less dangerous than they have been in seeming past.
Making soft and lovely my words and inner spoken reflections of belief knowing that this full self acceptance in constant practice yields the desired fruit of desires intent.
That out before me in myself Christ alive has made in me this truth… my desires fulfilled state in myself … my desire is experience, it is my salvation not in its physical opulence its easy sustaining and nurturing of my strength… but the certainty of knowing that it is sure, this one law of Gods … that what I put my attention on grows… that what I believe becomes real, that is the good news embraced… I eat live drink and breathe only Jesus Christ whom is the light of this world.
tal phantoms alone.
The metaphysical theater is a blog. That is exploring my thoughts of being as God is… my attention on being as God is… is drawing into my “life experience”… or awareness of the real experience… of myself being God here now on earth… is and has always been the burning focus… in that meditation made habit, I draw unto myself, all men as I am lifted up…and though the timid scoff and nay say… these worldly wise are all the actual fools in eternal record… so do not be dismayed by this noise or confusion here… they do not know what they do and as the ignorant are forgiven… we all are the “ignorant” and we all the “wise” …as we are revealed in our use of language… our “actions” are much less important… than the average successful tyrant, believes.
The worldly successful tyrant must fall as all tyrants do… the cause of all true success even in its clear presentation is a mystery, for we cannot discern the things of the spirit but by the spirit… so a clear division in awareness seems to be only passed by Jesus Christ alone.
I find wisdom in Christ, and I had not found wisdom in self …but only through Christ. Within us all is salvation… and any outward incarnate adventure cannot sustain the eternal awareness…
I kick deeper into these depths and do not consider death, my own life is not the important thing …but this realization that I am God… and there is no deception or treachery in my God… this contemplation is the all important purpose or reason for this strange experience.
Somewhere, where nothing is ..I am.. I am being as God is now, eternal… and being as God is … is this constant awareness of more than source of all experience… I am as you are… we are Elohim.
The dances that are meant for a specific symphony cannot be heard in my ears that knew pain and no sprite or goblin is but seen in secret …those dances not meant for prying eyes … of faries and nymphs and little smiling devils…I can hear the music and know the dance… yet still I awake every morning in this same body, now having learned to be excited about my life of adventure, wealth, fame and innovation …past the usual millionaire inspiration… into the realms that Amazon, Google and the Metaphysical Theater dwell within us each… as the undisputed Kings of what it is they do …I can employ the strategy of the unjust servant… I as the creator of the theaters plays, I find it well to remain open, empty …receptive to the next thoughts flowing in at the rhythm Christ knows I am in love with… so there is nothing… I cannot be, do or have… but do not underestimate the purpose of this experience… and its limitations … for as infinite timelessness.. and we are all that ever will be, has been… and is now…
I did need this smallest contraction of omnipotence. Being a human- bieng, is the smallest sliver of understanding that I could manage I suppose…
my mortal experience here on earth… a reason to emerge as endless individual Gods each as powerful as the “first”.
I needed to know those feelings of profound separation … the intense singularity of self …seemingly separate from all other things… that is the “me” in the world perception I still deal with today…Christ is victorious … and it is the cradle out of which God grows having been born within himself… God is man.
as androgynous entities have no offense in a word that included all of humanity in its inception…
that people choose to be angry through their own ignorance has nothing to do with actual injustice or justice…
God only says yes.
we are choosing to be that which we are… we are responsible for our own circumstance, and revealed in it only to the degree that it matches the subjective intent or word of God… our wise use of speech is the law that makes us free… wise inner speech-belief has rendered perception as God is… and I cannot be turned away from salvation’s arrival in my now… in my experience I have opened this entire life to be … being as God is… Fulfilled in all excess and affluence…
my consideration must be attentive to things much greater than survival, as survival is already understood to be a state of awareness which is a loathesome hell, compared to this state of being as God is.
He wished until he were, and the world did not believe it. Though they gnash and wail it does not change what I truly am.
A hurt once felt as real, faded to phantom formless wisp. It is truth I lived and know as my own, the memory of the healing has made the pain an irrelevant past condition… and I live with the same daring I always know and have not become less adventuresome, but know knowing the difference between foolhardy and brave I admit my adventures less dangerous than they have been in seeming past.
Making soft and lovely my words and inner spoken reflections of belief knowing that this full self acceptance in constant practice yields the desired fruit of desires intent.
That out before me in myself Christ alive has made in me this truth… my desires fulfilled state in myself … my desire is experience, it is my salvation not in its physical opulence its easy sustaining and nurturing of my strength… but the certainty of knowing that it is sure, this one law of Gods … that what I put my attention on grows… that what I believe becomes real, that is the good news embraced… I eat live drink and breathe only Jesus Christ whom is the light of this world.
The Metaphysical TheaterTHEMETAPHYSICALTHEATER 2020