Super Rare Non Fungible art
Actually super rare art from the rarest artist in America
Metaphysical Fort
The metaphysical Theater by: John Tvrz The following podcast deals with the questions that Science cannot answer since the 17th century all real metamystics are truly...
Metaphysical Prosody
The Metaphysical Theater 🌋 You say to me its moral for you to be poor and me to be rich. Or if our opposite shoes appear...
God in man on earth
Meta (from the Greek meta- μετά- meaning “after” or “beyond”) is a prefix meaning more comprehensive or transcending …So Transcending Physical Theater presents today in this richly satisfying now you...
Poetic Musings
Today the pigeons sang me a symphony that carried me away, it belittled humanity’s greatest musical, achievements, making all human music seem lesser somehow… it made...
Marijuana Musings
The memory is a funny creature, though we coddle it so. To recall the feelings of past events in a posivtively reguarded way of understanding the...